The mission

VIVID’s mission (although I admit it’s a long shot) is to inspire as many people as possible to ask big questions, to seek the truth, to recognise the short-sightedness of modern Western culture, to live more vivid lives of their own and to invest in a living future for everyone else.

More specifically:


Shed light on the insanities and distortions that prevail in our culture and in our mainstream media, by: publishing articles that approach issues from fresh angles, that show how different assumptions lead to different conclusions, and that reveal the heartless motivations behind some of the decisions made in the name of modern economic, political and corporate systems.

Shift the frame of reference: show an alternative view of ‘Western’ dominant culture, by: using the eyes and ways of knowing of traditional cultures and/or by means of psychological analyses, e.g. drawing on the narcissistic personality model and eco-psychology.

Catalyse the desire for and first steps towards a different type of culture, by: showing that we must invert the models for investing our energies and resources and pointing to ways of doing that; giving permission to those who wield money or power (and are aware enough to register their suffering souls) to convert our financial capital into natural and human capital.

Build bridges between people traditionally opposed on certain issues, by: using compassion and cooperation in the interviewing and reporting processes; connecting people whose collaboration would bring benefits.

Inspire everyone to think again and:

  • Spend more time working for ourselves, our families and our friends and less for faceless corporations where possible.
  • Allow children in our care to grow and think freely and to question the assumptions inherent in our society.
  • Seek the truth, consume less, grow our capacity for love and develop a sense of respect and responsibility for all living things.
  • Develop a sense of connection with place; love and respect future generations and those that have passed.
  • Take regular time out for quiet contemplation, time in nature, or meditation. Stop and see the beauty of what we’re spoiling.
  • Strive for compassion, cooperation and a shift in consciousness.
  • Seek out traditional and spiritual knowledge where it benefits wisdom and the public good, especially where it helps us equip our children with appropriate values and foundations.
  • Recognise that we may be unable to see the structures of our society for what they are because they provide our validation; find other ways to recognise our worth.